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广州朗阁雅思培训   2015-09-06 阅读:209

1. 旅游类:

旅游类尤其是国际旅游的考题一般都会涉及国与国之间的文化差异cultural difference以及文化同化的现象cultural assimilation; 另外有关是否会导致冲突与矛盾prejudice and tension也是需要提前准备的。不过入乡随俗when in Rome, do as Romans do的概念也是要有的,一般我们可以从旅游的初衷是为了感受异域文化exotic culture, 体验不同的风情习俗;以及这是对local residents的一种respect的角度进行支持论证。

Ø 建议复习之真题:

1. When visiting foreign countries, some people think it is advantageous to learn their cultures and traditions. How do you think people can learn other cultures and traditions? Why are some people interested in learning those traditions and cultures while others not?

2. Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is it a positive or negative development?

3. In the past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences from their home country. Nowadays, the sceneries in places all over the world are more and more similar. What are the causes of the similarities? Do you think the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?

2. 文化类:

1)此类有关艺术或是艺术家的考题并不少见,而艺术的发展离不开资金的支持,所以有关政府是否该资助艺术或是该由谁来资助的考题屡见不鲜;另外,因为艺术的发展只能算是社会发展中的一个领域而已,所以又会常考资金平衡的问题,比如说:政府是应该将更多的资金投资在艺术上还是体育上?或是相比艺术而言,政府更应该把资金投入到医疗教育上?当然,类似Today, advanced science and technology have made great changes to people’s life, but artists such as musicians, painters and writers are still highly valued. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?的有关将艺术与科学进行对比结合的考题虽然相对少见一点,但这其实也符合现在社会发展的趋势,因此朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生要仔细应对,做好充足的准备,不能过于专一针对。

那么,一般来说考生可以建议政府两手抓,或是多方一起给予艺术支持,因为这样的解答更容易写到字数,而且理由也可以想通:a. 作为社会发展必不可少的一个部分,艺术对社会的重要性不亚于任何一个领域,所以值得投资(deserve),不论是来自政府还是公司甚至是私人。b. 相比其他领域而言,艺术在资金方面相对较缺乏一些,而且对资金要求也较高一些,所以艺术也急迫地需要(urgently need)这笔投资。c. 另一方面,政府资金预算毕竟有限(a tight budget),所以要均衡balance各方投资,不能单独偏重一方;或是所以需要其他社会力量来补充政府在这方面的投资。

Ø 建议复习之真题:

1. Some people think that creative artists should be supported financially by the government of their county, while others believe that they should find financial support from other sources instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Many people think arts like painting and music cannot directly improve people's quality of life, and therefore the government should spend money on other things. Do you agree or disagree?

2)新旧建筑与城市建设一直都是议论文考题中常见的,不论是在雅思还是托福中。如Some people think that too much money has been spent looking after and repairing old buildings, so we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 所以搞定这一类题目就显得尤为重要了。当然具体的问法会有一定的差异和变化,不过换汤不换药,只要准备好各自的理由,一样可以以不变应万变。一般提及传统建筑,必然会提及它的文化功能以及特性,那么cultural identity这个单词就必备了;另外传统建筑可以发展为旅游景点,从而发扬文化以及赚取经济收入(local revenue)等好处都是不可忽视的;相反的,因为与现代社会的一些不匹配,如占地面积,建筑工艺以及居住功能等各方面的问题,也时常可以用作批判的原因,可以提及good architecture is a product of thinking about the function, the location and the technology available.

3)当然建筑物中根据特殊功能分类,博物馆以及图书馆或是艺术展览馆等功能建筑也是必须要准备好的。不论是问及原因还是功能亦或是资金,都可以从之前的两个分类进行举一反三。如:博物馆是对文物古迹cultural relics的收集与保护,极具考古研究价值;另外还具有教育功能,可以拉近与历史文明的距离,对学生而言是个不错的第二课堂。

Ø 建议复习之真题:

1. We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying artistic, historical or cultural importance, but people do not visit them. Why do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What is the importance of museums to society?

2. Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others believe that it is a waste of money since people can access the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

3. 语言类

语言类考题在雅思写作中的总体比重和题量不算大,但却是极有代表性的,不论是对于孩子的外语学习还是对于国家的语言文化保护,都是与我们语言类考试息息相关的。正因为如此,考官也将语言类的考题再一次纳入剑桥系列书籍中。在剑桥真题集9中,A类Test 1的大作文考题就是关于孩子语言的学习时间;而Test 4大作文考题是有关世界上某些语言的消失及其影响。仅仅一本书4套学术类考题中就出现了2次,我们不得不重视它的重要性。那么为了更好地应付这一类考题,学生最起码要做到熟悉以上所提的两类有关语言的提问内容该如何解答。

1)关于学生的语言学习我们要考虑到children的实际年龄以及此刻的优势:their brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language. 对于这一点,任何一个年龄段都没有孩童时期那么适合。当然,也要考虑到学习新鲜语言的热情enthusiasm和兴趣interest等问题,毕竟孩童时期对于新鲜事物包括语言和文化都会更有热情一些,相反随着年龄的增大,我们会越来越失去热情。

2)而对于世界上客观存在的语言消退的现象,这个题目相对要专业一些,但是难度以及表达反倒更容易一些。毕竟有许多相似的有关文化类的用词和思路都可以使用到这一篇文章里。因为考生必须时刻牢记语言是文化的载体language is the vehicle of culture, 而文化是语言的基石cornerstone, 所以任何语言的消失必然会直接影响到语言多样性language diversity和文化多样性cultural diversity的问题,而这些都是我们所不可缺失的。当然,从另一个角度来说,fewer languages意味着不同国家都有越来越来多的人接受新的语言或是他国语言,这样长期以来,语言沟通时的障碍就可以大大缓解,也许我们的生活真的可以变得simpler.

Ø 建议复习之真题:

1. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? (Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 1)

2. Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Cambridge IELTS 9 Test 4)

4. 全球化类


1)国际关系:雅思写作中就有一道真题可以直接说明国际关系的重要性:Good relationship between different countries would become more important than ever before. Do you agree or disagree? 为了证明良好国际关系尤为重要就必然要提到国与国之间密不可分的邻居或是兄弟关系the world is just like a big warm family, 这是不论什么年代都不可磨灭的客观因素。另外良好的国际关系可以为各个国家更好的发展提供和平的前提,更能共享资源share the natural resources and technologies. 其实,如果考生能掌握好此题的对应理由就能轻松应对其他同类话题,包括international aid的相关考题,如:Some people say that giving aid to poor countries has more negative effects than positive effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 我们可以具体看一下刚才所说的理由,然后适当改动即可,因为不论是为了说明关系重要性还是证明国际援助的必要性都可以直接摆上兄弟关系,而且援助他国也可能会获取“意外”好处,如从贫穷国家获得自然资源或是廉价的劳动力等。

2)国际贸易:这一块内容平常会出现有关进出口贸易,如运输水果蔬菜等考点;那么相对来说就更容易准备了,理由可以直接参考旅游air travel的利弊,包括:污染大气air pollution, 能源消耗energy consumption, 以及为了确保蔬菜水果的freshness势必会加入防腐剂antiseptic等之类的解答。而好处不外乎为大众提供更多的选择offer more choices, 同时也加深了对不同国家的了解deeper understanding about foreign culture以及促进经济的发展boost local economy等。

Ø 建议复习之真题:

1. Some people think developing countries should invite large foreign companies to open offices and factories to help with their economic growth. Other people think developing countries should keep large companies out and develop local companies instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2. The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase of globalization produce positive effects to everyone. Do you agree or disagree?
