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苏州朗阁雅思培训中心   2021-06-29 阅读:75
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SECTION 4 Qvestions 31-40

Questions 31-34

Choose the correct letter4, BorC Trying to repeat success

1. Compared to introducing new business processes, attempts to copy existing processes are

A. more attractive.

B. more frequent.

C. more straightforward.

2. Most research into the repetition of success in business has

A. been done outside the United States.

B. produced consistent findings.

C. related to only a few contexts.

3. What does the speaker say about consulting experts?

A. Too few managers ever do it.

B. It can be useful in certain circumstances.

C. Experts are sometimes unwillng to give advice.

4. An expert's knowledge about a business system may be incomplete because

A. some details are difficult for workers to explain.

B. workers choose not to mention certain details.

C. details are sometimes altered by workers.

1.PART1The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself,his/her home,work or studies and other familiar topics.


·Do you like to have flowers in your home?[Why/Why not?]

【答案】①Yes,I do.I love flowers,rose,peony,tulip,daisy,chrysanthemum,jasmine,water lily,lotus,lavender,all them them!And I love to have them in my home,because flowers are very good decorations.Just imagine,after a whole day's hard work,when you go back home,how comforting it is to see flowers in every comer of the house.It's soothing and relaxing.

②Not at all.Look,I'm allergic to pollen.Flowers and their pollen just iritate my skin and give me runny nose and eyes.So I must avoid flowers at a times,not to mention have them in my own home.

2..Where would you go to buy flowers?[why2]

【答案】①There are many places I can choose from.I can go to the florist's on the street if I need the flowers properly wrapped and ribboned.I can also go to a klrhan flaier market ifI want to hay in bue anantity and cave come cach Becides I can alen biy lAlere nn the Tnternet The het thinn abaut hnvina suburban flower market if I want to buy in bulk quantity and save some cash.Besides,I can also buy flowers on the Internet.The best thing about buying things on the Internet is that you don't have to worry about the open time or close time of the shops online,which often run 24/7(24 hours a day,7 days a week),so that you can place your order anywhere anytime.

②Wel,I would only go to the flower market near my home.It's within walking distance,say 10 minutes.Plus there's a large variety of flowers to choose from.The price is always reasonable and you can still bargain about it.So why bother going to some distant,price gouging florist's?

3.·On what occasions would you give someone flowers?

【答案】①WellI've never given others flowers before,but there are many occasions when people would give flowers,like birthday,wedding,even funeral.Besides that,boys would aive flowers,especially rose,to their airls when they are in love.

②I would give flowers to my friends,relatives and many others when I visit them.You see,it's not really polite to visit one person's home empty-

handed according to Chinese traditions.So people often bring along some small gifts when they drop by.Well,in my case,I would choose flowers,which,according to my experiences,are not at all stereotypic,but rather often quite pleasina to my hosts.


4.·Are flowers important in your culture?[Why/Why not?]

【答案】①Flowers often bear great importance in many cultures.So do they in Chinese culture.In the past,flowers were believed to have spirits,who can bring happiness and pleasure to the devout.Nowadays,though their superstitious values have already faded away,flowers have taken on new meanings to represent virtues.While orchid represents grace and purity,peony represents nobleness and prosperity,and wintersweet perseverance.And people often use them to express their feelings.

②Well,generally yes,but with a great deal of difference to different people.Some people may love flowers so much that they see flowers as their life:while therere also many others who are totaly nonchalant.To them,flowers are no more than a bunch of lifeless plants.


Describe a meeting you remember going to at work,college or school.

You should say:when and where the meeting was held who was at the meeting what the people at the meeting talked about and explain why you remember going to this meeting.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

6.PART3Discussion topics:Going to meetings Example questions:What are the different types of meeting that people often go to?

【答案】①There are many diferent types of meetings that are categorized by contents of discussion or attendants or venue,etc,such as status meeting,staf meeting,team meeting,ad-hoc meeting,management meeting and board meeting.But I think people go to work meetings most often,where people meet to discuss their work and that often produce a product or intangible result such as a decision.

②As far as I know,there are six types of meetings by function:problem-solving,decision-making,planning,feedforward,which is about status reporting or presenting new information and feedback,which is about reacting and evaluating,and finally combination meetings.

7.Some people say that no-one likes to go to meetings-what do you think?

【答秦】①I can't agree more.Personally I never liked going to meetings.They are long,and boring,full of red-tapes.I always wonder when people would learn not to waste time.Some meetings I attended are not productive at all or even counterproductive.I don't like meetings.

@Please allow me to respectfully disagree.Though many people may not like to attend meetings,they're still important in business,work,study and life.First,people need communication and update of information.Second,exchange of ideas can produce creativity and innovation.Apparendy,meetings can facilitate both.And if well used,meetings can be an indispensable part of modern collaboration and cooperation.

8.Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings?

【答秦】①Meetings are important because no one can be a lone ranger in today's society.Everyone is linked to each other in some way.And since the discrepancy of information and knowledge among people is inevitable,it necessitates constant updates of information and exchange of ideas,all of which can be perfectly achieved through meetings.②Like I said before,meetings are important in many aspects of our life.People need communication and update of information and exchange of ideas is also necessary to produce creativity and innovation.Meetings gather people and can facilitate both of them.That's why it's important to go to meetings sometimes.

9.International meetings Examole questions.

Why do you think world leaders often have meetings together?

【答案】①One of the major purposes for world leaders to meet together is to build mutual trust and strengthen bilateral relationship.Apparently,the growing

international trade has increasingly entailed more and more international frictions,which need international meetings to settle and reach consensus.World leaders can also better communicate and promote further collaboration in international affairs..

②Nowadays the world is becoming more globalized and countries are closer than ever before.As a result,many international issues can't be solved without collaborative efforts,which necessitates meetings at various levels,including those of world leaders.Also,platforms such as the UN,G8,G20 and the BRIC also encourage world leaders to mee together and discuss mutual relationship.

10.What possible dificulties might be involved in organising meetings between world leaders?

【答案】①Indeed,it's dificult to organize a meeting at an international level especially when it concerns world leaders who are not like passengers on the street.

They are big shots with busy schedules and require extensive consideration,such as a high level of security,all of which have to be carefully considered.Plus a wellprepared agenda is needed as well.Of course,no one wants to pay from the public purse of the host country for the world leaders to fly in and sit together just to chitchat.

@Apart from the dificulties concerning time,security and agenda,language is another problem,since no one can quarantee the worild leaders

SECTION 3.Qvestions 21-30Qvestions 21-24

Choose the correct letter,A,BorC.

Field Trip Proposal

1.The tutor thinks that Sandra's proposal

A.should be re-ordered in some parts.

B.needs a contents page.

C.ought to include more information.


【解析】根据题意可知,本想需要选出tutor对于Sandra's proposal的看法,需重点关注tutor的观点.系文中I've made a few notes on the proposal about things which could have been better sequenced(我已经在需要重新排序的地方做了一些批注)表明.Sandra的proposal需要被重新排序(sequenced).选项Ai的re-


2.The proposal would be easier to follow if Sandra

A.inserted subheadings.

B.used more paragraphs.

C.shortened her sentences.


【解析】本磁考查怎样可以使Sandra的proposa-容易理解.系文it's quite hard to follow your train of thought at times,so cut them down a bit,can you?(有时很难跟上你的思路,较好能维读一些,行么?)中hard对应题干的easier,cut down对应选项C里的shorten.

3.What was the problem with the formatting on Sandra's proposal?

A.Separate points were not clearly identified.

B.The headings were not always clear.

C.Page numbering was not used in an appropriate way.



为了给学员提供-专业的学术支持, 朗阁教育(Longre)先后成立了从事海外教学研究的学术朗阁海外研究中心(RAFLE)以及专注德法西意及日韩语研究的小语种教学研发中心,为广大考生在复习备考、资料下载、跟踪及业界动向等方面提供资讯。


朗阁教育成立至今荣获多重奖项,英国文化教育协会(British Council)与朗阁教育(Longre)签订协议,宣告朗阁教育(Longre)成为雅思机构合作伙伴,同步机构政策资讯,学员共享较好手信息。





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朗阁培训中心专业从事雅思及新托福、新SAT等北美语言培训,并为各大企业及高校提供各类英语团训课程,荟集了众多英语教师, 先后出版多套专业英语书籍。




Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations

朗阁海外研究中心(RAFLE)是专门从事海外教学研究的学术,享誉国内海外界,拥有上百位中外研究人员。在海外动态传播、教学方法创新、教学材料设计、教师培训与认证、新产品研发等各方面均处于学术地位,较新研发剑桥雅思,剑13解析等系列书籍,为广大考生在复习备考、资料下载、跟踪及业界动向等方面提供资讯。RAFLE 已经让很多学员累计受益,并始终以中国学生雅思、托福、SAT 等海外整体水平而努力!


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