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天天培训网络中心   2022-12-26 阅读:13





Over the past few decades, along with growing interest in child education, people"s attention to the family environment where a child is brought up has also significantly increased. Some people have begun to feel that a child who has grown up in a poor family tend to be better prepared to deal with problems. In my opinion, however, family environment alone does not much influence a child"s ability to solve problems.

A child who was born into a poor family would have had more situations where they had to solve a problem or make a decision on their own. This is because in most unfortunate families, both parents are usually working and children are put into situations where they have to take care of themselves. By contrast, due to their wealth, rich children can experience and learn things that unfortunate children cannot. For example, they usually go to the best schools and receive a higher education there, which prepares them better for solving problems in their life.

However, few would disagree with the fact that each individual is different. That is, problem solving skills come more from life experience. That is, the more a person experiences in life, the more they can use these experiences to adjust, to adapt and to solve problems they encounter. Personality also can be a factor in dealing with problems. A person who is optimistic, outgoing, confident and open-minded can look at and solve problems more effectively.

As discussed above, nature and nurture have an equal influence on a child"s ability to face challenges. Parents should spare no effort to figure out how they can help their children to be independent. I hope that in the future the next generation will grow up as mature citizens.


Many old people in Britain, after a lifetime of hard work and the toil of bringing up children, are put into homes for the elderly by their families. There, they are looked after by professional nurses, and this is sometimes at the expense of the government. However, this situation has raised controversy about whether we extend to our elders the care and respect they deserve.

The critics of this system say that it is the duty of the family to look after its senior members in the years when they are no longer able to work. They point out that in retirement homes old people tend to feel useless and unwanted by their family members, who seldom come to see them. In addition, there is evidence that younger people benefit from the experience and wisdom of older people who live with them on a daily basis.

On the other had, those who support the system say that retired parents can be a burden to young families. Not only is it expensive to support old people who have little or no income, but the fact that old people are often ill and need a great deal of looking after can be too much for their busy children.

In my opinion, neither side is completely right. Old people in good health and with enough finances to support themselves can be a great help to their children. For instance, they can look after their grandchildren while children are out at work. On the other had, sick and penniless old people are better off being looked after in retirement homes at government expense.


Every year, millions of animals undergo painful suffering or death as a result of scientific research into the effects of drugs, food additives, cosmetics and other chemical products. While most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay looks at some of the positive and negative aspects of animal testing.

Many medical treatments and procedures have been developed from experiments on animals. Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing on small groups of patients. Medical teams practice new operating techniques such as transplants on animals. Without animal testing, many procedures or new drugs would be extremely unsafe.

However, many people are concerned that animals are suffering unnecessarily and cruelly. They do not believe that every new drug needs to be tested on animals, especially with the huge database of knowledge and modern computer models. They also are worried that many animal tests are ineffective, pointing out that any drugs have had to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. They particularly feel that animal testing should not be used for non-essential products such as cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, and cleaning products. Furthermore, some campaigners would like to see certain tests replaced and more humane methods used.

We need to make sure that the millions of animals who are used for testing new products are treated with the minimum of suffering. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures as mercifully as possible will demonstrate our humanity.



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