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天天培训网络中心   2022-12-30 阅读:33



  Some people think that it is governments"responsibility to provide care and financial support for people after they retire. Others, however, think the individuals themselves should be responsible for saving money for their own care when they are old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有些人认为人们在退休后政府有责任提供保健和金融支持,然而,其他人认为个人本身应该负责攒钱以便在年老的时候照顾自己,你怎么看?



  The elderly are considered valuable members of societies, and debates have persisted as to who should assume the responsibility of caring for this group-governments or individuals. Although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I believe a partnership between the two parties is a more appropriateapproach to this issue.(深圳雅思资深老师解析:开篇引出话题,并在后一句中点明了自己的观点。)

  Advocates of governments" taking care of their senior citizens argue that governments, whose money derives from tax payers, have an inevitable duty to ensure a decent life of these people when they no longer have income to support themselves. If the authorities did not offer any health care or pensions, some people might not be able to sustain their lives.(深圳雅思资深老师解析:运用反证的方法说明政府关照老年人的必要性。)

  On the other hand, opponents claim that it is solely a personal business to prepare for later life since it will be a disproportionately large amount of expenditure for the government, especially as a consequence of the increasinglongevity. Hence, the proposal could give rise to public funds deficiencies in other sectors, which would not only affect the retirees but also the entire society.(深圳雅思资深老师解析:本段阐述了养老会给政府财政造成巨大压力,严重的话可能会给整个社会的发展带来不利影响。)

  Granted, access to medical care and support for basic needs is a basic human right, and as such it should be provided by the government. The provision,however, needs to vary according to income so as to make efficient use of public money. That is, for the deprived and the underprivileged, they should be entitled to free old age care; the wealthier, nevertheless, may as well be encouraged to takeout insurance policies with private companies to alleviate financial burden on the government.(深圳雅思资深老师解析:该段表明养老问题应因人而异,因贫富而异。)

  To sum up, although there are convincing arguments on both sides, I believe a partnership between the two parties is a more appropriate approach to this issue. In other words, governments and individuals should share a collectiveresponsibility, yet the level of collaboration would differ from case to case so that the majority of the public" s needs could be met.(深圳雅思资深老师解析:结尾段阐述个人观点:政府和个人应共同承担养老责任,但责任的多寡不能一刀切。)





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