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天天培训网络中心   2023-01-03 阅读:11


雅思 口语描述一件特殊场合穿的衣服




The type of dress I wear on special occasions mostly depends on the occasion types and the custom of dresses people usually wears in those occasions. However, for majority of the special occasions, I like to wear formal pants, shirts, suits and formal shoes.


I usually wear it to participate in any meeting, social pragmas like wedding, birthday celebration, official a program arranged by a relative. Yes, this is a common dress that many other people wear on those sorts of occasions. But some people wear different dresses as well. The teenagers who attend social programs usually wear jeans and t-shirts but the adults mostly wear this dress.

This dress code is a safe one to wear. First of all this dress matches the weather all around the year in my country. Secondly, this is a dress which is safe to wear as people won’t criticize people who usually wear this dress on special occasions. This dress does not catch much attention and would give an impression that the person is rightly dressed.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

Describe your favourite dress.

Describe your favourite piece of clothing.

Describe a traditional dress you wear on special occasions.

Describe a dress you want to purchase in the future.

Describe a common dress or piece of clothing in your country.




Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion

You should say:

What the occasion was

What you wore

Where you bought the clothes

And what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes


The type of dress I wear on special occasions mostly depends on the occasion ypes and the custom of dresses people usually wears on those occasions.However, for the majority of these special occasions, I like to wear formal pants, shirts, suits and formal shoes.


I usually wear it to participate in any meeting, social pragmas like the wedding ceremony, birthday celebration, official a program arranged by a relative. Yes, this is a common dress that many other people wear on those sorts of occasions. But some people wear different dresses as well. The teenagers who attend social programs usually wear jeans and t-shirts but the adults mostly wear this dress.



This dress code is a safe one to wear. First of all this dress matches theweather all around the year in my country. Secondly, this is a dress which is safe to wear as people won’t criticise people who usually wear this dress on special occasions. This dress does not catch much attention and would give an impression that the person is rightly dressed.





Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory

Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.(程度的描述)No one"s special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features. Baggy pants, oversized jackets, and big glasses on our faces,(生动的描述)of course(自然的语序). Lucky enough(选取比较自然的连接词), we had a graduation ceremony, and the high school allowed us to wear something casual(转换词性)on that very day.

For this special day, I picked up a really nice dress. My mum and I found it at an elegant shopping mall, which was stunning in the store window.(还是细节描写,而且增添了背景故事)I had my eyes on that dress immediately. It was a pink dress with a black leather belt, which was neither too fancy nor too formal.(加入形容的部分)It boasts an graceful cutting style with a U-neck shape. Somehow, it reminded me of a typical Chanel dress.(加入了西方文化背景知识)My mum said it might be too mature for my age, but I believe it was OK.(自然地加入自己的态度和看法)Now think about it, I guess I was eager to be an adult at the time, so wearing a dress that pretty could significantly improve my confidence as a 18-year-old young lady. Besides, the color was perfect for my skin tone.

Actually, a look is never finished without the right accessories.(除了衣服以外增加一些小细节,有助于丰富所描述的整体内容)I chose to wear the pearl necklace and a really nice pair of beige(稍高级的词汇)leather shoes. Not surprisingly, I got more than my fair share of compliments(地道的描述方式)at the graduation ceremony on that day.





Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion

You should say:

What the occasion was

What you wore

Where you bought the clothes

And what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes


The type of dress I wear on special occasions mostly depends on the occasion types and the custom of dresses people usually wears on those occasions. However, for the majority of these special occasions, I like to wear formal pants, shirts, suits and formal shoes.

I usually wear it to participate in any meeting, social pragmas like the wedding ceremony, birthday celebration, official a program arranged by a relative. Yes, this is a common dress that many other people wear on those sorts of occasions. But some people wear different dresses as well. The teenagers who attend social programs usually wear jeans and t-shirts but the adults mostly wear this dress.

This dress code is a safe one to wear. First of all this dress matches the weather all around the year in my country. Secondly, this is a dress which is safe to wear as people won"t criticise people who usually wear this dress on special occasions. This dress does not catch much attention and would give an impression that the person is rightly dressed.


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