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天天培训网络中心   2023-03-14 阅读:15



  1. There are many instances supporting my opinion.有许多例子可以证明我的观点。

  2.Consider the case of…考虑……的情况。

  3.Perhaps the most important example of... is…有关……的重要的例子可能是……。

  4. A good case in point is……一个很好的相关例子是……。

  5. Take... for example.以……为例。

  6. As one writer/scientist/psychologist wrote/commented/pointed out/noted:…正如一位作家(科学家、心理学家)写到(说到、指出)·…。

  7. This is a concrete example that…这是一个有关……的具体例子。

  8. Nothing could be more obvious/apparent than the evidence that…再没有比这个更明显的例子了,……。

  9. I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of…要说明这个问题,……是一个比较好的例子。

  10. The latest surveys conducted by... show/reveal/demonstrate/indicate that…近由……开展的调查显示……。

  11. It is a commonly accepted fact that...……是一个被普遍接受的事实。

  12. Legend/Rumor has it that…据说……。

  13. No one can deny the fact that…没有人可以否认……的事实。

  14. Supposed that…假设……。

  15. A common example, which is frequently cited, is..一个被普遍引用的例子是……。

  16. Instances of the same sort might be quoted easily, but this will be sufficient to show that…类似的例子不胜枚举,但这一个就足以说明……。

  17. This provides a typical/striking/notable illustration/example of…这是……典型的例子。

  18. To the already familiar facts/example, a few more/a number of other example/facts may be added.除了这些熟悉的例子,我们还可以举出其他一些例子。

  19. As a case in point, we may take/see…作为一个例子,我们可以看一下……。

  20. History abounds with the example of…历史上有许多……方面的例子。

