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  • 联 系 人:老师(先生) 
  • 咨询热线:0512-6655771
  • 授课学校:苏州行知教育培训学校
  • 授课地址:苏州市长江路443号苏州高新区培训中心(绿宝广场斜对面)














所在地区:江苏 苏州市



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我的勋章:  通过认证 [诚信档案]




笔试部分( 70%)


   1 (    ) A pick B diary   C picture   D still

   2 (    ) A eat   B read    C headache   D meat

   3 (    ) A bear B dear    C hear    D year

   4 (    ) A past   B same C grass   D France

5 (    ) A Monday B day   C stay   D birthday


英汉互译10 分)

 1have a big lunch ________________ 2. 吹灭蜡烛______________

 3. 脱下戏服__________________ 4. 在八月二十一日___________________

 5. 在圣诞日_________________ 6. 制造噪音____________

 7. 一场令人激动的跑步比赛_____________________________

   8. the girl behind me ______________ 9. 寻找_____________

   10. the sign on the bird’s cage ______________________

 B. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空10 分)

   1 It means “ No ________(smoke)”.

   2David and Mike are doing ______(they) homework now.

   3 A: Where_____(be) you just now?

B: I _____(be) in the teachers’office.

4.Liu Tao often ______(get) up at six .It’s six o’clock .But he _______(sleep) now

5.My brothers______(like) asking ______( I ) some questions.

6._________(not walk)on the grass.

7.What _______(do) Jim usually do at weekends?

三.单项选择(10 分)

     1.What does that public sign______?

          It ______ we shouldn’t smoke here.

     A. mean mean   B.means means C.means meaning D.mean means 

     2.It______there a moment ago.

     A.is       B.was       C.were         D.am

 (     ) 3.When is Children’s Day?

    A.It’s on the first of June.   B.It;s on the first of March.

    C.It’s on the first of July.   D.It’s on the first of May.

 (     ) 4.I would like ______

A.    to visit B.visit C.visiting D.to visiting

     (     ) 5.I am __________my key.But I can’t _______it.

        A. find look for      B. look for find 

        C. find looking for    D.looking for find

     (     ) 6. The first day of a week is_______.

        A.Monday B.Saturday C.Sunday D.Tuesday

     (     ) 7. There ______a banana on the table just now.But it ______ in my mouth now.

        A.is is    B. was was C.is was D.was is

     (     ) 8.Would you like to come to my birthday party ?

         A.Yes,I do.   B.No,Idon’t. C.I’d like to. D. Yes,I’d like to.

     (     ) 9. Can you have a cake?

              No,you can’t. You ______wash your hands now.

         A.should     B.would     C.will    D.should’t

     (     ) 10.Would you like _____ orange juice?

         A.any     B.an   C. some D. a

    按要求改写句子。(10 分)

     1. Please do it like that .(改为否定句)

       Please ________ _________ it like that.

     2. The sign means “Keep quiet”.(对划线部分提问)

       _______ ________ the sign mean?

     3.It’s time for breakfast.(改同义句)

   It’s time______ ________ breakfast.

     4.It means “Keep off the grass”.(改同义句)

       It means we _______ _______ _______ the grass.

     5.I was born on the 5thof August. (改同义句)

       ________ _________ is on the 5thof August.

     6. Christmas is on the 25thof December. (对划线部分提问)

       ________ is Christmas?

     7.I blow out the candles on the cake.(主语改成 my cousin)

       My cousin ________ _________ the candles on the cake.

     8.They want to do their homework. (改同义句)

       They ______ ______ ______ do their homework.

     9.The sign on the bird’s cage is interesting. (对划线部分提问)

       ______ _______ the sign on the _______ cage .

   五 中英互译(10 分)


   __________ glasses _______ on the bookcase just now, but she ______

      _________ for ______ now.

     2.公园里狮子笼子上的标志是”危险” ,我们必须远离它.

   The _____ on the _____ cage means”_______”.We must _______

      ________ _______ it.


   ______ you ______ up these ______for _______?


   I______ ______ ______ ______a cake _____lots of strawberries.

    六 完形填空 (5 分)

   An old woman has a cat .The cat is now very old. She can’t run

   fast ,or she ____bite.One day the old cat _____a mouse .She jumps and 

   ______the mouse. But she can’t bite it,so the mouse gets out of her

 mouth and runs away. Then the old woman gets very angry and beats the

 cat .The cat ____ to her.”Don’t beat your servant.Do not be unkind

to the old. When they are______,they can do good work.

1.(    ) A can B can’t C is D are

2.(    ) A sees B looks at C looked at D looks

3.(    ) A caught B catch C catches D catched

4.(    ) A laughs B says C face D cry

5.(    ) A sick B old C young D sad

七 阅读短文(10 分)


   Once an old man went to see a doctor .The doctor looked him over

carefully and said,”Medicine won’t help you .You must have a good rest.

Go to bed early,drink milk ,walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day.Go to

The country place for a month.

   After a month the man came to the doctor again ,”How are you ?”said

The doctor,”I am glad to see you again.You look much younger.””Oh!

Doctor,Ifeel quite well now,”said the man,”lhad a good rest.l went to

bed early,drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly

helped me ,but you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me first.

It’s no joke to start smoking at my age!”

(     )1.The doctor told the man ______.

         A.to go to bed early      B.to drink milk 

         C.to walk a lot        D.Both A,B and C

 (      )2.Which of the following sentences is true?

         A.The doctor told the man to visit a beautiful city of the country

         for a month.

         B.The doctor didn’t tell him what to do.

         C.After a month ,the old man felt better.

         D.The old man was younger than before after a month.

 (      )3.The doctor’s words were ______for the old man’s health.

         A.had   B.good C.well D.strong

 (      )4.The doctor wanted the old man_______.

         A.to get worse B.to smoke less than before

         C.to help him   D.to start smoking

 (      )5.From what the old man said at last ,we know______.

         A.one cigar a day was really helpful to him

         B.one cigar a day was better than before

         C.the old man was not a smoker at all

         D.smoking made him feel better than before



 Everyone in China likes Mid- Autumn Day.It usually comes in September

or October.On that day people eat moon cakes.It is a delicious round cake

and it looks like the moon.So we call it moon cake.At night families usually go out for a walk .There they watch the moon and eat moon cakes

Children like making rabbit lanterns.The candles in the lantern can make

bright light.Playing with lanterns is very interesting.Do you like

Mid Autumn Festival? The answer is”Yes” I think.

判断句子正(T)误 (F)

(    )1.Chinese people like to eat moon cakes at Mid- Autumn Festival.

(    )2.The Mid- Autumn Festival Day comes only in October.

(    )3.All the people in China like Mid- Autumn Day.

(    )4.On Mid- Autumn Day people go out to watch the moon and eat moon cakes.

(    )5.The children don’t like Mid- Autumn Festival. 

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